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>?/*|.,)*^&@!~ A WIERD game made by DirrCo (DUH!)
@gongo Hojo Monophoneo solo
#play tcbcacgcfcecdcdefgab+c
This game is called alice. (For those
people who can't seem to read the name on
the title screen)
It's about Alice. You are Alice the witch
who destroyed the world. Something
happened to you and you bacame a goody gay
so on so forth. You will now save the
world and undo what you did. It won't be
easy, infact, all of the critters that
roam the earth now will try to kill you.
If you like this game a little or hate it,
just saind me an e-mail on how much it sux
or how much you like it. Tell what you
think of this strange game, and what
sexual feelings you get during the game.
Well actually don't, but if you want to go
Go ahead and play this funky game. Alice
is a funky person so thats why her world
is funk.
$Oops! My e-mail is omega_blast@hotmail.
Now you can play!