#change red invisible red breakable
#change blue invisible red normal
#change cyan invisible red solid
#change yellow invisible breakable
#change yellow breakable normal
#change yellow normal solid
#change yellow solid normal
#change yellow normal breakable
#change yellow breakable normal
#change yellow normal solid
#change yellow solid normal
#change yellow normal breakable
#change yellow breakable empty
#cycle 1
#change red solid empty
#change red breakable empty
#change red normal empty
#change red object empty
#become empty
#cycle 1
#play i+gicidigibiaificidi-dieifsgsfqeic
#play i+di-giai+difieicigifieicidsfseq.d
#play i++di-giai+difieici-giaidieifsgsfqe
#play ic
#play i++di-giai+difieicigifieicidsfseqd
#play qx
#play q+dqeqdq-aq+chd
#play qxq+cidifieidq-aq+chd
#play qx
#play q+dqeqdq-aq+chd
#play qxq+cidifieidq-aq+chd
#play hghfhghdqeqfhghdqcqd
#play hghfhghdqeqfhghdqcqd
#play wewewewe
#char 176
#put e red breakable
By *
By J*
By Ja*
By Jak*
By Jake*
By Jake *
By Jake H*
By Jake He*
By Jake Hef*
By Jake Heft*
y Jake Heft *
Jake Heft A*
Jake Heft AK*
ake Heft AKA*
ke Heft AKA *
e Heft AKA D*
Heft AKA Dr*
Heft AKA Dro*
eft AKA Drow*
ft AKA Drowz*
t AKA Drowze*
AKA Drowzee*
AKA Drowzee1*
KA Drowzee16*
A Drowzee16 *
Drowzee16 A*
Drowzee16 AK*
rowzee16 AKA*
owzee16 AKA *
wzee16 AKA Z*
zee16 AKA ZZ*
ee16 AKA ZZT*
e16 AKA ZZTy*
16 AKA ZZTyr*
6 AKA ZZTyra*
AKA ZZTyran*
AKA ZZTyrant*
KA ZZTyrant *
A ZZTyrant *
ZZTyrant *
ZZTyrant *
ZTyrant *
Tyrant *
yrant *
rant *
ant *
nt *
t *
Have fun!!!
Have fun!!!
Have fun!!!
Have fun!!!
Have fun!!!
#char 255
#char 176
#char 255
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176
#char 176