#cycle 1
$Anthrax: °°±±±²²²ÛÛÛLIGHTNINGÛÛÛ²²²±±±°°
#change yellow invisible solid
#char 130
#change yellow solid invisible
#char 255
#change white invisible yellow solid
#change yellow solid invisible
#change blue invisible yellow solid
#change yellow solid invisible
#change green invisible yellow solid
#change yellow solid invisible
#change yellow invisible solid
#change yellow solid invisible
#change yellow invisible solid
#change yellow solid invisible
#char 219
#change yellow invisible solid
#change empty yellow solid
#change yellow solid empty
#cycle 1
#char 131
#cycle 1
$ A `Foreword' By Jeff Conroy
Hey there, people who downloaded this bad,
never-to-be-finished ZZT game. Yes, this
was going to be the sequel to Wizard's
Tale, but I decided to make this game in
MegeZeux. However, that got canned (it was
BAD, trust me on this), and replaced by
Despayre, still under works... anywho, I
give you Merlin (ZZT)... look in the edi-
tor for stuff that's not accessible by
playing the game (i.e. Credits, Anthrax's
Castle, etc.). And, yes, I realized this
game may have typos/bugs, but it doesn't
really matter to me now. And, no, I don't
know why I sent this out to the public,
or why I even had this, since it was made
around late '97 (?). That's it. I doubt
you'll enjoy this sorry excuse of a ZZT
$ -Jeff Conroy
$ -jeff_conroy@hotmail.com
$ - 4 / 7 / 99
$ -http://fejj.zzt.org
Merlin: What is that sound I hear???
#char 176
#char 177
#char 178
#char 158
$Villian: AH!!! I AM HERE TO SEEK VEN-
Merlin: YOU?!? NO! You perished long ago!
It cannot be the one I know as...
$Villian: Yes, you old fool, it is I,
Merlin: You shall not live this time! Take
THIS dosage of pure POWER!!!
#change red invisible water
#change red water breakable
#change red breakable normal
#change red normal solid
#change red solid normal
#change red normal breakable
#change red breakable water
#change red water empty
$Anthrax: You call that POWER?!? Now, this
$ is POWER!!!
#char 219
#char 178
#char 177
#char 176
#cycle 1
#char 5
#change cyan invisible red solid
#change red solid normal
#change red normal breakable
#change red breakable water
#change red water invisible
#cycle 1
Merlin: AAAGGghhh...
$Anthrax: I have one! The first stage of
$ my plan is complete!!! Off to my
$ castle!!!
$Anthrax: °±²ÛÛDISAPPEARÛÛ²±°
#char 219
#char 178
#char 177
#char 176
#cycle 1
#char 128
#cycle 1
#char 129
#cycle 1
It all started a normal day for Merlin,
when all of the sudden...
So, it was that Merlin was taken. Taken by
an old enemy. But before Merlin was taken,
he had summoned an ally, none other than
$°°±±²²ÛÛÛSir Woolsworth!ÛÛÛ²²±±°°
So, our story continues from there...
ff C