#cycle 1
#char 2
#put s white boulder
#cycle 5
#play i+++.cci-b!+.cd#qc
One day,
Five (hardly) normal teenagers
With bad acting skills
And no lives
Met a cardboard box
Named Omega
Who gave them powers
Beyond their (small) imaginations
In the form of Powder Morph(ine)ers
They met a large drugged head
#change white invisible water
#change blue invisible blue fake
Named Nerdy Goon
Who had a bone to pick
(and money to make)
With two aliens named
Chiquita and Pez
and their pet monkey, Yellowdar
(It seems they picked on him...
(Who wouldn't?)
Well, anyway...
Nerdy Goon gave them five special
plastic toys--Zords
Which they would use to combat
Chiquita & Pez's
original (not) monsters
and recycleable Silly Putties
Five days a week
On a TV show with
no plot, no sense, and
bad special effects.
But, then...
(Bet you thought the intro was over)
(Touch luck)
The TV show made so
much money from merchandising
That they made a MOVIE!
This is the unofficial game.
Press -P- to play
You'll regret it for the
rest of your life.
Thank you for watching for this long
And E-mail Barney9651
With comments/hate mail/etc.
This message WILL replay.
#cycle 1
#char 225
#cycle 1
#cycle 1
#char 1
#put n empty
#put n boulder
#cycle 1
#char 2
#put w purple boulder
#cycle 1
#char 2
#put n blue boulder
#cycle 1
#char 2
#put w yellow boulder
#cycle 1
#char 2
#put w red boulder
#cycle 1
#cycle 1
#char 224
#cycle 1
#char 1
#cycle 1
#char 1
#cycle 1
#char 176
#char 177
#char 178
#char 219
#char 178
#char 177
#char 176
#char 32
#cycle 1
#char 176
#char 177
#char 178
#char 219
#char 178
#char 177
#char 176
#char 32
#cycle 1
#change green invisible blue water
#change blue water blue breakable
#change blue breakable normal
#change blue normal solid
#change blue solid normal
#change blue normal breakable
#change blue breakable water
#change blue water green invisible
#zap one
#change cyan invisible blue water
#change blue water cyan invisible
#restore one