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#char 77
#char 32
#char 32
#char 32
#char 73
#char 32
#char 32
#char 32
#char 67
#char 32
#char 32
#char 32
#char 82
#char 32
#char 80
#char 32
#send wa:goforit
#char 79
#char 32
#char 82
#char 32
#char 83
#char 32
#char 69
#char 32
#char 84
#char 32
#char 83
#char 32
#char 85
#char 32
#char 69
#char 32
#char 70
#char 32
#char 78
#char 32
#char 70
#char 32
#char 84
#char 32
#char 32
#char 32
#char 83
#char 32
#char 73
#char 32
#char 32
#char 32
#char 78
#char 32
#char 32
#char 32
#char 67
#char 32
#char 32
#char 32
#char 87
#send color:gotoit
#char 65
#char 89
#char 78
#char 69
#char 39
#char 83
#send greeter:gofor
#char 65
#char 68
#char 86
#char 69
#char 78
#char 84
#char 85
#char 82
#char 69
#char 83
²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°²²²²²²°°²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°°
#cycle 1
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set downheart
#play t--c#cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#char 15
#cycle 1
#walk i
#char 111
#char 79
#char 233
#char 15
#char 237
#restore shot
#restore shot
#restore shot
#cycle 1
#change red invisible water
#change red water breakable
#change red breakable normal
#change red normal solid
#change red solid normal
#change red normal breakable
#change red breakable water
#change red water invisible
°°²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°° °°²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°° °°²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°°
#cycle 1
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set downheart
#play t--c#cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#char 15
#cycle 1
#walk i
#char 111
#char 79
#char 233
#char 15
#char 237
#restore shot
#restore shot
#restore shot
#cycle 1
#zap touch
#send gun:shoothim
#shoot seek
#shoot seek
#send boss1:restarthere
#play t--cdd#f#g#gfec#
#change red object yellow object
#change yellow object blue object
#change blue object red object
#if hit1 then sethit2
#if hit2 then sethit3
#if hit3 then sethit4
#if hit4 then sethit5
#if hit5 then sethit6
#if hit6 then sethit7
#if hit7 then sethit8
#if hit8 then dietime
#set hit1
#send boss1:restarthere
#clear hit1
#set hit2
#send boss1:restarthere
#clear hit2
#set hit3
#send boss1:restarthere
#clear hit3
#set hit4
#send boss:restarthere
#clear hit4
#set hit5
#send boss:restarthere
#clear hit5
#set hit6
#send boss:restarthere
#clear hit6
#set hit7
#send boss:restarthere
#clear hit7
#set hit8
#send boss:restarthere
#zap shot
#send door:openup
#play t----cdd#ed#ef#fg++C#
#char 3
#restore touch
#restore touch
#restore touch
#play t--c#d#f-c#def#--cdfa#+c#da++c#
#clear total3
#set upheart
#set upheart
#set upheart
°°²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°° °°²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°°
#cycle 4
#walk rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set monster
#play t--c#cd#d
#set downheart
#zap shot
#play t--c++c#d
#cycle 1
#try opp seek
#try opp seek
#zap shot
#play t--c++c#d
#cycle 1
#zap touch
#char 15
#char 32
#clear monster
#if monster then nokey
#char 12
#set key1
#cycle 1
<________Level >
<_______Level O>
<______Level On>
<_____Level One>
<____Level One_>
<___Level One__>
<__Level One___>
<_Level One____>
<Level One_____>
<evel One______>
<vel One_______>
<el One________>
<l One_________>
< One__________>
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|- -|
|-- --|
|--- ---|
|---- ----|
|----- -----|
|------ ------|
|------- -------|
|-------- --------|
|--------- ---------|
|---------- ----------|
|----------- -----------|
|------------ ------------|
|----------tuary ----------|
|---------ctuary O---------|
|--------nctuary Of--------|
|-------anctuary Of -------|
|------Sanctuary Of S------|
|----- Sanctuary Of So-----|
|----e Sanctuary Of Sou----|
|---he Sanctuary Of Soun---|
|--The Sanctuary Of Sound--|
|- The Sanctuary Of Sound -|
| The Sanctuary Of Sound |
| The Sanctuary Of Sound |
| The Sanctuary Of Sound |
| The Sanctuary Of Sound |
|The Sanctuary Of Sound|
|e Sanctuary Of Sou|
|Sanctuary Of S|
|nctuary Of|
|tuary |
| catfriedr|
|y: catfriedric|
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
| By: catfriedrice |
|y: catfriedric|
| catfriedr|
|tuff I|
|oStuff Inc|
|croStuff Inc G|
|MicroStuff Inc Gam|
|A MicroStuff Inc Game.|
| A MicroStuff Inc Game. |
| A MicroStuff Inc Game. |
| A MicroStuff Inc Game. |
| A MicroStuff Inc Game. |
| A MicroStuff Inc Game. |
| A MicroStuff Inc Game. |
|A MicroStuff Inc Game.|
|MicroStuff Inc Gam|
|croStuff Inc G|
|oStuff Inc|
|tuff I|
#cycle 1
#zap touch
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#shoot s
#play t--cdgag#cd#b+bc++c
#send door:open
#char 3
#restore touch
#set upheart
#set upheart
#cycle 4
#walk rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set monster
#play t--c#cd#d
#set downheart
#zap shot
#play t--c++c#d
#cycle 1
#try opp seek
#try opp seek
#zap shot
#play t--c++c#d
#cycle 1
#zap touch
#char 15
#char 32
#clear monster
#if monster then nokey
#char 12
#set key1
#cycle 1
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set downheart
#play t--c#cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#char 15
#cycle 1
#walk i
#char 111
#char 79
#char 233
#char 15
#char 237
#restore shot
#restore shot
#restore shot
°°²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°° °°²²°°²²²²²²°°²²°°
#cycle 3
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set downheart
#play t--c#cd#d
#cycle 1
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#try opp seek
#try opp seek
#cycle 1
#zap shot
#zap touch
#play t--c++cd#
#try opp seek
#try opp seek
#char 15
#char 32
#try opp seek
#put seek red gem
#walk rnd
#walk i
#char 111
#char 79
#char 233
#char 15
#char 224
#restore touch
#restore shot
#restore shot
#cycle 3
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set downheart
#play t--c#cd#d
#cycle 1
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#try opp seek
#try opp seek
#cycle 1
#zap shot
#zap touch
#play t--c++cd#
#try opp seek
#try opp seek
#char 15
#char 32
#try opp seek
#put seek red gem
#walk rnd
#walk i
#char 111
#char 79
#char 233
#char 15
#char 224
#restore touch
#restore shot
#restore shot
#cycle 3
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set downheart
#play t--c#cd#d
#cycle 1
#zap shot
#play t--c++cd#
#try opp seek
#try opp seek
#cycle 1
#zap shot
#zap touch
#play t--c++cd#
#try opp seek
#try opp seek
#char 15
#char 32
#try opp seek
#put seek red gem
#walk rnd
#walk i
#char 111
#char 79
#char 233
#char 15
#char 224
#restore touch
#restore shot
#restore shot
#cycle 1
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set downheart
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#play t--cg
#zap shot
#send colorchanger:changemycolor
#play t--c+cd#++cd#
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#zap shot
#send colorchanger:changemycolor
#play t--c+cd#++cd#
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#zap shot
#send colorchanger:changemycolor
#play t--c#+cd#++cd#
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#zap shot
#send colorchanger:changemycolordie
#play t--c#+cd#++cd#
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#char 15
#zap touch
#char 4
#give gems 20
#cycle 1
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#try seek
#if contact then ouch
#go rnd
#if contact then ouch
#set downheart
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#play t--cg
#zap shot
#send colorchanger:changemycolor
#play t--c+cd#++cd#
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#zap shot
#send colorchanger:changemycolor
#play t--c+cd#++cd#
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#zap shot
#send colorchanger:changemycolor
#play t--c#+cd#++cd#
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#zap shot
#send colorchanger:changemycolordie
#play t--c#+cd#++cd#
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#go opp seek
#char 15
#zap touch
#char 4
#give gems 20