PART i: Downfall of the Senshi ° ±± ± Û °°°°°²±° ± ° °°²±° ° ± ± °°²±° ° ± °°²±° ± ²±° ²±° ²± °°²±° ± Û ²±° ²±° ²±° ° ²°°°°°²±° ° ° ²±° ²±° ± ²± ± ± ² ²±° ²±° ±° ±° ²±° ²±° °°° ²±° ° ±° ±°Û ²±° ²±°° °²±° ²±°²±° ± ± ±°± ² ²±° ²±° Û °²±° ²±° °²±° ± ±° ± ²±° ²±° ²±° ± ° °²±° °²±° ± ±° ° ²±° ²±° ²±° ° ± °²±° °²±° Û ° ²±° ²±° ² ²±° °²±° ° ± Û ±± ± ± ± ± Û ° °°°°° ²±° ± ° ±°± Û° @°°±±²²ÛÛ Starter ÛÛ²²±±°° /i/i #play --c++c--d++d--e++e--f++f #play --g++g--a++a--b++b-c++c $----------------------------------------- $S a i l o r M o o n D e s t r o y e r $Version X 2 $Raichu $----------------------------------------- This is more advanced than version 1.1 released in '99. it mainly has more graphics, and more plotline. i do hope this makes it to GoTM on PLEEEESE? If you still want to kill me If you still want to thank me If you still want to do whatever to me contact at or on IRC as raichu0079[SST] Doctor_evil11 Phroot or Psychotic $Byesers. #end ± °²±° ²±° ± ± ± Û ²²± ± °²±° ²±° Û ° ° ° ±° ± ± °²±° °°²±° ± ± ° ²± ± ° °²±° °°²±° ° ° ° ±° °±± ± °°°²±° ° Û Û ± ± _ ° ² version X2 ( <> | Y |2 | 6 |-| | 2000 ±