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The cliff slopes away hundreds of
#bind Cliff
#bind Cliff
#bind Cliff
#bind Cliff
#bind Cliff
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@Dead Tree's Water
You drink from the pool eagerly, but
instantly revile in disgust. The water is
foul and polluted.
' Because you are neither hot nor cold,
' I will spit you out.
In front of you is a large bush, with
some purple berries on it.
!eat;Take a berry.
!#end;Not right now.
You don't like the taste of these berries.
#zap touch
You pluck a berry and eat it slowly.
The taste is very bland and not very
enticing. You scowl, and spit it out.
@Living Tree's Water
#zap touch
You drink cautiously from the pool
beneath the live tree. To your surprise
it is sweet and soothing. You quench your
You've drunk enough.
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